Saving Rhino

Protecting Species at Risk

Sabi Sand has committed to be a lighthouse for conservation in Africa. Part of this commitment is to create a sanctuary for species that are at risk. The reserve has implemented an intensive wildlife protection programme over the last six years which is constantly evolving. Our wildlife protection programme combines the best of personnel, technology and community efforts.

The positive results we have been able to achieve would not have been possible without the incredible support of fellow wildlife lovers who have generously contributed towards the resources needed.

If you would like to join this effort and make a difference, please contact us.
Email Iain Olivier at

The Sabi Sand Rhino Warriors (SSRW) were established in 2017 by a like-minded team with a shared passion to conserve and protect our natural environment and animals.

Together they began raising awareness about massive ecological problems such as Rhino Poaching. These rugged rangers, hard core conservationists and die-hard animal lovers each have their own strengths. From climbing the highest mountain on a bicycle to running for miles or cooking up a storm, they perform their passions with the intention of raising money and awareness to support the Sabi Sand Nature Reserve and its conservation programmes.

Inspired by this heroic cause that they decided to put their own bodies on the line and challenge themselves physically, as these brave men and women do every day.

All proceeds and donations raised through the SSRW initiative are directed to the Sabi Sand Nature Conservation Trust (NCT). This is a non-profit organization that supports the Sabi Sand Nature Reserve and its surrounding areas in protecting the natural and indigenous fauna and flora of our beautiful country.

Keen to join the squad? Here’s how to do it:

  • Become an Ambassador for the Rhino Warriors
  • Raise Awareness about Environmental issues
  • Donate and Support

Follow their progress and activities on their Facebook page.

Sponsors and Funders

The Sabi Sand Nature Reserve would like to thank our donors for making a significant difference in the conservation and preservation of our wildlife.

Through their kindness and generosity, we are able to live up to our aspiration of making the Sabi Sand Nature Reserve a safe haven for our wildlife.

A special mention is due to the following sponsors and funders that have made generous donations to our constant efforts in conservation:

A word of thanks to the following donors:

  • Geoffrey Smith
  • Gidon Saul Novick
  • Hill’s Pet Nutrition
  • Illana Borer
  • Inyati Private Game Reserve
  • Jacqueline Smith
  • Jeremy Gardiner
  • Leopard Hills Private Game Reserve
  • Pet Worx Nelspruit
  • Sandrivier Boerdery

Thanks to all our visitors, guests and individual donors for your contributions to the preservation of our wildlife through the reserve’s Guest Conservation Contribution.



With 12 rural surrounding villages, the Sabi Sand Nature Reserve actively supports these communities through the Sabi Sand Pfunanani Trust & various NPOs affiliated with the reserve.


A key focus in the Sabi Sand Nature Reserve’s history has been passionately preserving its natural biodiversity. Multiple conservation efforts in place makes this goal a reality.

Saving Rhino

Sabi Sand stands out as a leading landmark for conservation in Africa. We have created a protected sanctuary for species that are at risk. Over the last six years we have implemented an intensive wildlife protection programme and continually build on this work to defend our precious species.